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Reinstate tummy tucks for post-partum women!

Written by Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons | May 10, 2021 1:08:54 AM


Do you or someone you know need a tummy tuck to repair muscle separation after pregnancy and childbirth?

We need your voice! The Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons are again preparing to push for the reinstatement of public funding for abdominoplasty following pregnancy. Abdominal separation, incontinence, chronic back pain (+ more) are conditions that no woman should have to deal with. It’s time to reinstate tummy tucks for ALL women. Read on to learn more and have your say via the survey link below. 
This survey seeks to capture and collate consumer, patient and community perspectives on the need for Medicare to subsidise surgical repair of abdominal muscle separation as a result of pregnancy. Responses will be forwarded to the Department of Health to accompany the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeon's application to reinstate this procedure on the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS).
What are we asking for?

To have surgery to repair abdominal muscle separation as a result of pregnancy subsidised by Medicare. This procedure used to be covered by Medicare but was removed in 2016. We are asking for the government to reinstate this procedure for women who meet certain clinical criteria (i.e. not for cosmetic purposes). This is our second application so hope the addition of community support will get this through.

What can you do?

We have submitted a detailed application to the government (MSAC) which covers all the clinical and surgical points, but need something from women themselves to explain how or whether this procedure would help them, or have an impact on their quality of life or symptoms.

If you have had this procedure in the past, are hoping to have this procedure but cannot afford it, or know someone who has or needs this procedure, we are asking you to fill out this survey. We know it seems like a lot to ask from busy mums, but these surveys capture the information we need to advocate to the Government to cover this procedure.
Dr Eddie Cheng is a board-certified Specialist Plastic Surgeon in Brisbane, Australia.  Socialise with us @arplasticsurgery to learn more about Dr Eddie Cheng and our Team.