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Thigh Lift

Thigh Lift


Thigh Lift

Thigh Lift

Thigh lift surgery, also known as thigh lipectomy, is a cosmetic procedure designed to improve the appearance and contour of the thighs. It involves the removal of excess skin and fat from the thighs to achieve a smoother, more toned look. 

Reasons for Thigh Lift Surgery

Thigh lift surgery is typically considered by individuals who are dissatisfied with the appearance of their thighs due to factors such as:

  1. Weight Loss: Significant weight loss, whether through diet and exercise or bariatric surgery, can lead to excess skin and sagging in the thigh area.
  2. Ageing: As we age, our skin loses elasticity, which can cause the skin on the thighs to become loose and saggy.
  3. Genetics: Some individuals may have a genetic predisposition to store excess fat in the thighs, making it difficult to achieve a desired thigh contour through diet and exercise alone.
  4. Pregnancy: Pregnancy and childbirth can stretch the skin and tissues of the thighs, resulting in loose skin and reduced thigh tone.

Preparing for Your Consultation

To prepare for your thigh lift surgery consultation, consider the following steps:

  1. Research: Educate yourself about the thigh lift procedure, including the potential risks, benefits, and expected outcomes.
  2. Find a Qualified Surgeon: Seek out a board-certified plastic surgeon with experience in thigh lift surgery.
  3. Compile a List of Questions: Write down any questions or concerns you may have about the procedure, recovery, or post-operative care.
  4. Medical History: Make a list of your current medications, previous surgeries, and any medical conditions you have or have had in the past.
  5. Lifestyle Adjustments: Discuss with your surgeon any lifestyle adjustments you may need to make before and after surgery, such as smoking cessation or changes to your exercise routine.
  6. Ensure you are at your desired weight and ideally your body mass index should be less than 30 for surgical safety and the best results
  7. Discuss your options with your usual GP and ask for a referral to your specialist plastic surgeon
  8. Review your health insurance policy to see if you have any cover for post weight loss surgery.

General Risks of Surgery

Thigh lift surgery, like any surgical procedure, carries general risks, including but not limited to:

  1. Bleeding: Excessive bleeding during or after the surgery, which may require additional medical intervention.
  2. Infection: The risk of infection at the surgical site, which can be mitigated by proper hygiene and antibiotic use.
  3. Scarring: Incisions made during the surgery will result in some degree of scarring, although the surgeon will strive to minimize its visibility.
  4. Anaesthesia Risks: Allergic reactions to anesthesia or other complications associated with the administration of anesthesia.
  5. Poor Wound Healing: Some individuals may experience delayed wound healing or wound separation.
  6. Blood Clots: The formation of blood clots, especially in the legs (deep vein thrombosis), which can potentially travel to the lungs (pulmonary embolism).

Specific Risks of Surgery

Thigh lift surgery has specific risks associated with the procedure, including:

  1. Numbness or Altered Sensation: Temporary or permanent numbness or altered sensation in the thighs or surrounding areas.
  2. Asymmetry: The possibility of uneven results or asymmetry in the appearance of the thighs.
  3. Fluid Accumulation: The accumulation of fluid (seroma) in the surgical area, which may require drainage.
  4. Skin Discoloration: Temporary or permanent changes in skin pigmentation at the incision sites.
  5. Delayed Healing: Some individuals may experience delayed wound healing, resulting in extended recovery periods.


Thigh lift surgery may involve several options depending on the specific needs and goals of the patient. Typically thigh Lift surgery focuses on the inner thighs, removing excess skin and fat along the inner thigh area. The incisions typically extend from the groin crease to just above the knee, allowing for inconspicuous scarring.

Thigh lift surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia. The specific surgical technique will depend on the extent of the procedure and the surgeon's preferences. The steps generally include:

  1. Incision Placement: The surgeon will carefully plan and make incisions along the predetermined areas to remove excess skin and fat.
  2. Tissue Excision: The surgeon will remove excess skin and fat, reshaping the thighs to achieve the desired contour.
  3. Liposuction (if necessary): In some cases, liposuction may be used to remove additional fat deposits and enhance the overall result.
  4. Skin Redraping: The remaining skin will be carefully redraped and sutured into place.
  5. Incision Closure: The incisions will be closed with sutures, and dressings or compression garments will be applied to aid in healing and reduce swelling.

Recovery and Aftercare

Following thigh lift surgery, you can expect the following

  1. Hospital Stay: Depending on the extent of the surgery, several nights in the hospital may be recommended.
  2. Surgical drains may be required for each incision.
  3. Initial Recovery: You will need to take time off work and limit physical activities during the initial healing period, typically around 2-3 weeks.
  4. Pain Management: Your surgeon may prescribe pain medication to help manage any discomfort or pain during the recovery process.
  5. Follow-up Appointments: Regular follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor your progress and remove any sutures.
  6. Compression Garments: You will be required to wear compression garments to reduce swelling and support the healing process.
  7. Scarring Care: Your surgeon will provide instructions on how to care for your incisions to promote optimal healing and minimize scarring.
  8. Gradual Return to Normal Activities: You can gradually resume light activities and exercise as advised by your surgeon, usually after a few weeks.
  9. Long-Term Results: The final results of your thigh lift surgery will become apparent as swelling subsides and your body fully heals, typically within several months to a year.

Remember to follow your surgeon's instructions carefully and reach out to them if you have any concerns or questions during your recovery.

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Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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